
Career Counseling

It is always difficult for the students to select which career path they should follow. With the increasing number of career options today it has become far more complex a decision. It requires an individual’s interest, skill set, qualifications and personality to correspond with each other. Moreover, there are various emotional hazards such as doubt, confusion and apprehension.
Connect to our experts for best Career Counselling which enables you to make the right Career choices. Our Career Counselling Experts can help you make the perfect career plan depending on your area of interest. Our unbiased Career Advice service helps you bring clarity to your thought process and simplify the decision to take the right career decisions.
And hence, we take it upon ourselves at The Study Abroad to assist you with achieving the life goals you have in mind, with our Career Counselling segment
  •   Understand your inclinations and aspirations
  •   Get a broad view of the plethora of career options available overseas
  •   Adopt a fresh perspective toward your career
  •   Analyse the best matches and map them out
  •   Utilise our resources along with information available and receive professional guidance to make the optimal choice for you
The Study Abroad aims to nurture you through the challenges of in your career. Our qualified professionals could help you know your core personality and understand yourself, helping you cope with environmental challenges. Your counsellor can also help widen your perspective by identifying possibilities and choices available to keep you on the right track in career and life decisions.

Course Selection

We provide special attention to student course selection procedure with highlighting their past academic records to avoid error free application. We assist students in choosing the right course as it can change their whole life! With this intention, we always suggest the best courses to all our students to study abroad. As our trained counselors have the latest information on job prospects and other required details, we help students to select the right career path for studying abroad.
We fulfill their requirement by providing them number of options available. We always believe to suggest students all the options so they can make a satisfactory choice of the subject they want to study.

Admission Guidance

Once you have decided your career pathway and have selected the course you wish to study it is equally important to get admission to right institution. There are hundreds of institutions which offer similar course you wish to study…. How will you decide which institution is best for you.
Our expert provides you admission guidance based on your profile, area of interest, academic scores, test scores, financial budgets and preferred location etc.
They give you full information about the ranking and opportunities so that you make an informed decision while selecting the right university for you.
They are fully trained and equipped to help you with the admission requirements which include application process, making resume, statement of purpose, portfolio etc. We do regular follow-up with university so that you get the timely decision and have sufficient time to apply for your visa and make travel plan.

Scholarship Guidance

We understand the value of money spent and try our best to get students some form of financial aid in the form of tuition fee bursaries, scholarships, application fee waivers, etc.
You will be surprised to know that Scholarship opportunities are numerous. Many schools or organisations that offer Scholarships & Financial aid fee waivers are awarded to international students on the basis of academic merit and the need for it. Though these awards will be at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee of that institution. Candidate with strong academics, good performance on standardized exams & extra-curricular achievements would be eligible for scholarship awards & financial assistance.
But this information needs to be presented in manner that it gets highlighted and noticed.
The Study Abroad have set up unique resources to give a step-by-step guidance for the entire process. Our systematized approach and a network with Universities help students to be successful in their scholarship applications.
We also highlight those programs that have internship options, industrial placements, etc to help students get a foothold into the work place much before they set out to look for jobs during their study and post study periods.

Education Loan

Most public sector banks and private banks provide education loans to students for pursuing higher professional or technical programs abroad. Sanctioned loan can be used to cover university fees, purchase of books, equipment, travel expenses and purchase of computers.
We help you connect to the bank/financial institution who can help you get the education loan for your studies. Our experts can also guide you with the documentations and requirements for getting education loan.

Finance assistance

We have tie-up with various companies and banks which are authorised by RBI to assist students to pay their fees and maintenance cost. We also have tieup with the travel agents to arrange your tickets and get you student deals their by helping you get all your needs done under a same roof.